Thursday, January 27, 2011

Truth First Casualty in Labor Campaign

The Labor campaign for Lake Macquarie has begun with the launch of a website by Marcus Mariani. I have been through many elections over the years and I am disappointed to see the way in which it seems this one will be run by Labor. Even during the 2007 State election against incumbent Jeff Hunter, there were no personal attacks by any candidate. Certainly not by Jeff Hunter or myself.

This website launches a broad-ranging attack on me over many issues, including my representation as a State Member since March 2007 and my record with Lake Macquarie City Council (LMCC). By the very nature of Council decision-making and administration, the attacks are also a sleight on current and former councillors, as well as staff.

It is an unfortunate fact that while the Internet is a wonderful tool in so many ways, it is also a useful tool for misinformation. The issues and conclusions presented by this website are unlikely to have made mainstream media without at least some scrutiny. My Labor opponent is unknown in public life and therefore can rightly claim no responsibility for any decisions that may have been made in past years. I, however, have never shirked taking responsibility and while in some 20 years of public life I may have regretted some decisions, on balance I believe that most have been correct and that Lake Macquarie has advanced for the better over this time.

Let me respond to some claims by Marcus Mariani.

The claim that the performance of Lake Macquarie City Council has been dismal is clearly wrong. Councils in NSW are all facing financial difficulty due largely to imposts from the state government, yet LMCC remains one of the most financial councils in NSW. Yes, there is Council debt – an appropriate way of funding infrastructure that is normal practice for most Councils and other organisations including state and federal governments. It means that facilities are paid for by the beneficiaries over the life of the infrastructure. LMCC typically spends around 6% of its annual budget servicing debt – this figure is currently closer to 5%. This figure is very modest and quite manageable. Based on nearly every comparative figure provided by the Division of Local Government, Lake Macquarie is in overall good financial shape and very lean in its operation compared to similar Councils used for these comparisons.

The claim that Council would not fund the Warners Bay fireworks is simply not true. Council did fund the event with $10,000, but based on a policy introduced by Council and understood by all Chambers of Commerce, it could not justify the additional funding. Why didn’t I approach the Government for this funding? – Because it was not my State electorate! I am pleased that the Member for Charlestown did. The fact remains that Council was a major sponsor.

The proposed open cut mine between Cooranbong and Awaba remained a very real threat until just after I declared my candidacy in 2007. I am certain Jeff Hunter wished that it had been ruled out by then Minister Sartor earlier, but the fact is it wasn’t. The subsequent issue of a proposed auger mine however was not ruled out immediately and I am pleased that the campaign I ran on both these issues with the help of local residents, means it is highly unlikely such a proposal will appear again.

The issue of the Pasminco Lead Abatement Strategy (LAS) has also been used against me, but the reality is that the matter has always been a State issue with the LAS having been agreed by the State before I was elected to Parliament. That said, an approval was given and recently an amendment was applied for. I immediately secured an extension and widening of the exhibition. This has helped every affected resident understand the impact of the changes on their properties and allowed strong representation to the Department of Planning and the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water.

I have personally been involved in fighting the pollution from Pasminco long before I was elected to Council in 1991. Along with Ken Winning, an LMCC Councillor through the 1990’s, I successfully campaigned alongside the community against all forms of pollution from the smelter. Not trusting government backed EPA figures we moved for council funded carbon dioxide monitors in two locations. These showed Pasminco was well in excess of World Health Organisation standards for CO2. This exposure led to major production cuts and hastened the smelter’s ultimate closure.

This is hardly a record of inaction by Council; in fact it is the exact opposite and such ill-informed comments are a slap in the face to all councillors and staff over this period. For the record, Council opposed the 2007 Lead Abatement Strategy. A State Labor government approved the LAS with a Labor member in office at the time.

Also on something Mr Mariani clearly does not understand, he accuses me of being opposed to the proposed Trinity Point Marina yet using my casting vote to support it. Wrong! The issue of the marina was never before Council, having been taken over by the Minister for Planning through the infamous Part 3A process. What I did use my casting vote for was a question of whether any apartments built, as part of the land component, could be privately owned. The proposal, recommended by planning staff, was that up to 50% of apartments be allowed to be privately owned. I stand by my decision to support the recommendation. My position in relation to the proposed marina has never changed. I believe that it should have been in the order of 60 to 80 berths and that if there was a demonstrated need in years to come for further berths these should be considered on merit at the time.

As to my politics the website states that I have claimed to be “Green leaning”. It also claims I have thrown my lot in with the Liberal party. As a true Independent I make various calls on a multitude of issues and they are always based on merit, not Party politics. Any aspiring politician who cannot balance the environment and development will ultimately fail his electorate. Marcus’s statement on his web site that “Independents can be beneficial to democracy” followed by “the problem is they have their own agenda” graphically illustrates his ignorance of non party politics. Having invested the larger part of my time as a Councillor in environmental matters including the remediation of a Lake Macquarie I think I can fairly claim that balance on policy.

The claim that I have done nothing to advance a community hospital in western Lake Macquarie once again demonstrates the author’s ignorance of the issue. I called the first public meeting on this issue shortly after being elected and have been a member of a committee which has produced a well researched document for a health facility with hospital beds and multiple health services. Along with John Quinlan the hard working committee chairman, we have personally submitted this proposal to the Health Minister. Hunter New England Area Health is currently reviewing its strategic plans and the arguments we have formulated have been a significant contribution to that review. We must await the outcome of that planning but it has always been recognised that a hospital would take some time to deliver. Mr Mariani may care to attend the next public meeting to hear from local residents on the subject.

To attack my social values based on a review of Council libraries is misguided at best. The fact is that during a workshop with 8 councillors in attendance (including 1 Labor) all councillors agreed that our Library service delivery should be reviewed. With Libraries accounting for roughly 4% of our budget and the fact that closing even one or two make minimal difference to the overall budget, it was never put forward as a way to save money. Libraries are changing particularly with new technology and increased and excellent libraries within schools. Library visits are down and our review is looking to make sure that costs don’t continue to rise while usage drops. The Library service has been running without much change for many years. There have been many suggestions as to how the service can be modernized, including a greater educational and research role, new buildings and cafĂ© facilities.

Halls today are not as relevant as they were for many reasons, but mostly because Council has been replacing them with new and much more functional facilities such as the multi-purpose centres at Toronto, Morisset, Swansea and Cameron Park. Pools are very costly to operate and should be looked at for efficiency and appropriateness for need. Since I have been Mayor we have upgraded a number of pools and acquired the Toronto centre. I don’t know which recommendation will be adopted, but I make no apology for supporting this necessary review. The schedule for any decision has not been set with an election in mind.

The new website makes an unsubstantiated and ludicrous claim that only 18% of the Council budget is spent on ratepayers. This is of course absurd! Council’s entire budget, apart from State levies and taxes, is spent on ratepayers. Staff deliver services and they must be paid.

The website also makes incorrect statements and assertions about the Coalition and myself. At the 2007 election I declined to give preferences to any Party. The Liberals chose to preference me without any conditions attached. The fact that the Liberal Party is reported to be not contesting Lake Macquarie in 2011 has surprised me but that is a matter for them. At this stage I have heard no confirmation that this is the case but if they do run I have no intention of any preference deal.

If there were a “hung parliament” it would be my intention to support the Party with the most number of seats - or given an equality of seats, the most primary votes. The record of the NSW ALP over the last years or so says that is more than they deserve, however I believe it is the only method of respecting the wishes of the majority.

This Labor campaign is strong on the attack, including claiming that it is hard to know what I stand for. I think that most people do know what I stand for and they know that I stand accountable – something I have never hidden from. The irony is that while I am so accused, the author of this website is unaccountable for the misinformation and the half-truths that it presents.

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